sketchbook journaling: part four

the practice of keeping a sketchbook journal

What is always constant about my sketchbooks, is the service they provide and that they are always a place to go, an outlet with no boundaries or expectation, just for me and massively important to my mental health. They have helped me at times when I need to just be, to be mindful and work out who I am, where I am and where I have come from.

Sometimes, if I am very busy and don’t have enough time to do something justice, I will ear-mark a page, make a space or a rough sketch. If I have not visited it for a while I try and make time to go back and see what I can finish or add to. It is also useful when there are times when I want to do something but I am not sure where to start, there is usually an old diary page I can finish or add to and this helps get the ball rolling generally.

I am quite passionate about the idea that everyone should have a sketchbook. You don’t have to show it to anyone, which is the beauty of it in this world where so much is shared. I am planning to start an after-school sketchbook club for staff at the school I work at as part of my role as a well being champion. I think it will be something that will be very beneficial and I am very excited about it.


My Lovely Postcards exhibition


sketchbook journaling: part three